Hospice care was designed to make the lives of patients who are in the end stages of disease easier and more comfortable. At this stage of their disease, the focus is not on curing their condition but on making them feel more at ease. The goal is to manage their pain and physical discomfort, allowing them the highest quality of life possible.

Helping Patients
The goal of hospice services is to provide compassionate and complete care to patients when they need it the most. Individuals who have reached this point in their care have unique needs. Transitioning through this period can be extremely difficult for the patient and their family members. Our staff members understand those challenges and have special training, allowing them to provide the level of care needed during this trying time.
Hospice specialists provide 24/7 nursing care. We offer social services and supportive counseling to help with end-of-life planning. The patient’s personal physician is included in the planning to ensure the patient receives everything he or she needs. Spiritual counseling and bereavement support also are offered. Preferred Care at Hamilton works directly with hospice companies in the area that are known to have the best reputation and most reliable services. The ultimate goal is to make each patient’s final days as comfortable and rewarding as possible, while at the same time offering support and acknowledgment to his or her family members.
Hospice services are covered under Medicare and Medicaid. Preferred Care at Hamilton can help set up arrangements with hospice care providers and ensure the financial arrangements are in order. Consultations are available by phone or in a private office to make things convenient for everyone involved. It’s important to make financial arrangements in a timely fashion so everything is in place when the services are needed.
We are available to help you arrange the hospice care services your loved one needs at this critical point in his or her care. Call and schedule your complimentary consultation today to ensure the financial arrangements are made and your loved one continues to receive the highest quality of health care possible.
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Visit us today! Special arrangements will also be made upon request.